
   Dak.jpg (79794 bytes)     00Davidthebeastwebsiteblue.jpg (53350 bytes)   David and his mask and dress bw 2.jpg (1014614 bytes)


Name: David Dzur

Instrument: The only true instrument, Bass  

Nick name: Drokk

Birthdate: 11\27\87

Weight:160 or somthing   


Favorite color: Red

What do you do when it's wet and cold a miserable and cloudy and rainy outside: Play bass, play xbox, read, or plot evil plans to be able to get the ultamite x-men power, The ability to spawn fire-ants anytime anywhere in any quanity.

What is your favorite style of music: Nu-Metal

What do you do when it's hot and muggy and sweaty and bright outside: Go outside and dig holes, or swim.

What do you like to do in elevators: Ride it.

Favorite drink: Red Cream Soda

Favorite Food: French Fries and Honey Mustard

Widescreen or Fullscreen: Fullscreen, of course.

What do you do on Wednesday nights and Saturdays: Wednesday nights, youth group, saturdays, go to I.H.O.P.(International House Of Prayer)

Would you rather be a) buried or b) burned when you die: Neither, im donating my organs and having my body be shipped to Africa to feed starving canibals.

Do you know how to dance(If yes, what style?): Umm, sure i can, but i don't.

Do you wax or shave: Both, i mean........

Do you think anyone is actually reading this: Not really.

Do you tan: It's possible for me to, but i dont try.

Salsa or Nacho cheese: Salsa

What is your favorite kind of glass: Clear red sand blown glass.

Do you like long hair or short hair: Dread Locks.

Are you a 'poser' or a 'punk': A poser.

What is your style: What they call a "Freak", but mostly black and spikey.

Who do you remind yourself of: Hard one, ummmmmm.........Sirius Black.

What is your favorite thing about everyone else in the band: Ashley is cool and accepting, Steven is a great drummer and is funney(and my bro), Beth.......shes Beth.

What is your credit card number: 6530-1464-1434-6912-834

Who do people say you look like: They don't.

Who is your role model: Paul the Apostle

What do you want to do "when you grow up": Fly for Delta or Southwest or somthing.

Which of the questions do you think is the most stupid: None

Which of these questions do you think is the best: All

Short Bio: I am a person, who is alive, and i like Music, ALOT.


Long Bio: