



   ashleywebsite2.JPG (24877 bytes)   Ashley2feettall.jpg (618975 bytes)  stuffduff 038.jpg (827208 bytes)

Name: Ashley

Instrument: Vocals   

Nick name: Bubbles, Barbie girl and gosh I have so many

Birth date: 9/23/84

Weight: Somewhere in the 100's

Height: 5 "4

Favorite colors: Pink, Purple and Green

What do you do when it's wet, cold, miserable, cloudy and rainy outside: I like to watch movies or write music.

What is your favorite style of music: I like Blues, Jazz, R&B and everything else except for Country.

What do you do when it's hot, muggy, sweaty and bright outside: Swim and stay inside

What do you like to do in elevators: I don't like elevators

Favorite drink: Root Beer and Vanilla Coke

Favorite Food: Fries and Frosties from Wendy's and BBQ

Widescreen or Fullscreen: It depends on the mood

What do you do on Wednesday nights and Saturdays: Wednesday nights, nothing. Saturdays, I generally try to find a friend to hang out with.

Would you rather be a) buried or b) burned when you die: I'd rather be buried

Do you know how to dance(If yes, what style?): yes, I love to dance- All styles except for square dancing. :)

Do you wax or shave: I'm not answering

Do you think anyone is actually reading this: probably

Do you tan: yes

Salsa or Nacho cheese: Nachos

What is your favorite kind of glass: The see-through kind

Do you like long hair or short hair: Long

Are you a 'poser' or a 'punk': I'm neither

What is your style: Anything that is brightly colored

Who do you remind yourself of: I'm not quite sure but I've been told that I remind people of Christina Aguilera

What is your favorite thing about everyone else in the band: Bethie-Bugs, 'cause she cracks me up. We have lots of "laughies" together. David, he's so 'out there' that it inspires me. And Drummer Boy, is there anything to say about drummer boy?

What is your credit card number: Why would you want my credit card number? I don't have credit! AHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!

Who do people say you look like: That's a tough one; I look like me, and Christian Auilera too.

Who is your role model: *Jesus!!!* And my mommy and daddy.

What do you want to do "when you grow up": Popstar

Which of the questions do you think is the most stupid:The glass question. It's retarded!!!

Which of these questions do you think is the best: Who do I look like!!!

What is the most annoying thing in life to you: How hard it can get.

What is the most annoying thing about you: I'm loud

What is the most annoying thing about people to you: People who judge a book by it's cover.

Short Bio: I am 19 years old and I will be 20 in this year!!! I have been singing since I was like 5. I started writing music when I was ten, and have wanted to be in a band ever since then! I am definitely the epitome of a blonde. I am 5 "4 baby and proud of it. I love wearing big shoes(as my friends call them.)


Long Bio: