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                                      Pictures. A lot of them.

     steven and ashley looking tough.jpg (579359 bytes)     f 036.jpg (739936 bytes)        Steven eating his drumsticksnumbertwo.jpg (359609 bytes)

                   No, they aren't going out.                                      David                                   He gets kind of mad sometimes

  David playing bass(locals).jpg (169974 bytes)                       ashleysitting2.jpg (816181 bytes)             unsorted 003.jpg (876815 bytes)                 

   David playing bass with the locals of Texas                       Ashley                                           Camile our official Groupie!!!

                                                                                                                                    (And backup drummer and photographer...)              

  StevenwhatisupatDQ.jpg (157933 bytes)    bethwalkingdownstairsondeckdrinkingcoffeebw.jpg (895726 bytes)      ashleywebsite2.JPG (24877 bytes)

               Steven at DQ                                                     Beth drinking coffee (the addict)                               Ashley coloring someone's hair

                         argmatey.jpg (610951 bytes)              BethAshleyandStevenpimpin'atDQ.jpg (1042173 bytes)              promo 001edited.jpg (1108055 bytes)    

                                       Yeehaw                                       Beth, Ashley and Steven at DQ                                        Steven


      unsorted 004.jpg (710654 bytes)        Steven driving(and the lights look really cool).jpg (639477 bytes)      gitarBeth.JPG (336901 bytes)                   

            Ashley recording 'Amazing' with Doug                                   Steven driving his Del Sol                                            Beth                          


       Faceashleybwpink.jpg (314451 bytes)           Dak.jpg (79794 bytes)        Bubble Jug.jpg (1010416 bytes)

            Can you guess her favorite color?                                         David                                                                Bubble gum

Steven drumming.jpg (874551 bytes)     stuffduffnumbertwo.jpg (502490 bytes)      Bethface.jpg (747846 bytes)                          

                 Steven the mad drummer                                                            Us                                                                           Beth   

        David and his mask and dress bw 2.jpg (1014614 bytes)

          David with his mask and manskirt